Tag Archives: Podcasting

Artificium Occulte Venatores, Episode 009. Following Death






We are starting a new proect. It will be released alongside this campaign, so AOV is not going anywhere. In this new project, we will be playing short story arcs of a game and then moving onto another game.

That is where you can help. By becoming a Patreon supporter, you will help us be able to buy new games to try out. We are going to reach out to various game publishers to see if they will assist us, but I feel that most of the support will come from you, our listeners. We appreciate any help you can provide. Whether that is becoming a supporter at https://www.patreon.com/relativedimension, or buying us a coffee at https://ko-fi.com/relativedimension

Patreon Supporters will also have access to view backstage areas of our special discord server fo this project, as well as participate in voting or the next game we will be playing. You can join this discord server by clicking https://discord.gg/dn72ty6

Download this episode (right click and save)

Podcasting Assistance

Recently, I wrote an article about getting into podcasting, and some general advice. One hurdle that delayed my entry into Podcasting was hosting fees. There are fees for domain, domain hosting, and podcast hosting.  There’s also other costs, such as equipment, cloud storage for backups, mics, and others.  So, in an effort to help you get your content out there sooner, rather than later, I have set up a Patreon pledge tier. At this tier, I will help you get started with creating content, and I will host the content on my iTunes feed, and on this page.

I am doing this because I was recording my episodes for over a year before I was able to work related costs into my budget, and I don’t want high costs to roadblock your content.

For more information, check the Pledge Tiers at Patreon