Artificium Occulte Venatores, Episode 003. Travel


Welcome to the Relative Dimension.

This episode is short.  My computer glitched while we were playing, and OBS stopped recording/streaming our episode.  So we only have about 25 minutes or so of recording.  The next episode will include a recap of some of the things that should have been included in this episode.

On that note, if you would like to support the show, you can check out the following links

You can even support the show from Podbean’s crowdfunding link.

You can also support the show by making your PDF purchases through DriveThruRPG at the following link.  It doesn’t cost you any more, but we get a percentage of your purchase price.  Half of all DriveThru proceeds will go back to the community in the form of Gift Certificates, and the other half will go toward equipment upgrades and maintenance.

Thank you.

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Podcasting Assistance

Recently, I wrote an article about getting into podcasting, and some general advice. One hurdle that delayed my entry into Podcasting was hosting fees. There are fees for domain, domain hosting, and podcast hosting.  There’s also other costs, such as equipment, cloud storage for backups, mics, and others.  So, in an effort to help you get your content out there sooner, rather than later, I have set up a Patreon pledge tier. At this tier, I will help you get started with creating content, and I will host the content on my iTunes feed, and on this page.

I am doing this because I was recording my episodes for over a year before I was able to work related costs into my budget, and I don’t want high costs to roadblock your content.

For more information, check the Pledge Tiers at Patreon

Artificium Occulte Venatores, Episode 002. Requisitions.


The group has an objective.  It is time to plan some travel, and that includes equisitioning some gear.

Do you want to have a hand in determining where the group goes next?  Or perhaps who they might deal with on their travels?  Head over to our Patreon site, where you can find pledge levels that will let you do either of those things.  Continue reading Artificium Occulte Venatores, Episode 002. Requisitions.

Artificium Occulte Venatores, Episode 001. Introductions

Welcome to the Relative Dimension!

Thank you to James Palmer, our newest Patreon supporter!  James has supported at the level where he got to create a custom NPC for the game, that NPC will be appearing shortly.

If you would like to create a custom NPC for the game, head on over to and you can find the pledge tier that allows for that reward, as well as the option of suggesting exotic locations or artifacts for the group to seek out and/or explore!

Images of Pidhirtsi Castle  Continue reading Artificium Occulte Venatores, Episode 001. Introductions

Artificium Occulte Venatores. Session 000, Character Generation and Worldbuilding

Welcome to the Relative Dimension.

This is Session 0 of Artificium Occulte Venatores, or, Hidden Artifact Hunters if you will.

In this episode, we discuss character concepts, answer a few questions that help build the world in which the PCs will be exploring.

If you would like to have a hand in directing the story, we have a few Patreon pledge rewards where you can have your idea for a location or artifact for the PCs to visit or retrieve.  You can also create a Major NPC for the campaign.  If you would like to support the show, visit  Continue reading Artificium Occulte Venatores. Session 000, Character Generation and Worldbuilding

AP Episode 052. Dreamchipper Part 10. The Hired Help

Welcome to the Relative Dimension.

The polls are in!  The new campaign will be centered around Vatican-Sponsored Artifact Hunters.

Character Creation session will be help in a few weeks, and streamed live on twitch.  Check the Relative Dimension twitter feed for updates at
You can find our twitch channel at

Support us on Patreon at

In this episode, the team infiltrates the party, and begins to mingle..  or, serve drinks, rather.

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