Tomb of Annihilation

Not long ago, we made an announcement that our Deadlands game was coming to a close, and that we would be starting a D&D campaign in its place. We will be running a D&D 5e game through the module of Tomb of Annihilation, and we will be streaming it on Twitch.

I am here now to announce that we will be needing a couple players to fill out our virtual tabletop. There is no hard date yet set for the start of this game. It may be towards the end of May, maybe into June, but right now it is hard to say exactly when we will be starting. We will be playing Sundays, biweekly (this is subject to change, but the safest estimate for the moment), starting at 5pm Pacific time. Even though there isn’t a hard date set yet, I would like to start forming the group as soon as possible to handle things like character creation discussions and the like.

We will be using to run the game, and the tactical maps and dice rolls will be included in the stream. While I would like webcams to be used, they will be completely voluntary (as even my current webcam is not the best, and some of my current players aren’t set up for it).

So, we need a couple players that can play at the time and day scheduled. There are some other things I would ask for.

1) Please don’t have read or played through Tomb of Annihilation. Even through the open world allows for different game experiences through different playthroughs, there are some things that might be spoiled by a previous playthrough. This cannot be 100% enforced, so even if you’ve seen a few streams, please try to keep all knowledge to yourself and don’t spoil the other players.
2) Please keep rules lawyering to a minimum. If we come across an issue, a ruling will be made at the time so that we can move on. We will then discuss the issue after the game, so that we can reach a consistent decision on the matter.
3) Please play an organic character, and not just a collection of numbers and equipment. Play the character. Engage in conversation. Part of the module is a hex crawl, and we don’t need to roleplay every minute of every hour spent exploring the jungle, but try to play some of those moments.

I am sure there might be other things, but these are the basics for now.

So, what do you do if interested? Please use either the Contact button at the top menu, or email with the subject line of TOA Stream and a brief introduction and any social media contact links you would like to present.
I will try to arrange meetings via discord to experience sound quality and the like, so that we can select the best/most compatible people to fill out our group.

Thank you for your interest,

Joe, Host and GM of the Relative Dimension.

New Project Announcement

We have a new project announcement that we will be doing in the future. D&D: Tomb of Annihilation!.

Our Deadlands game still has some life in it, but when the current story arc comes to a close, we will be switching to D&D and running Tomb of Annihilation. We will be streaming it live on Twitch ( using either Roll20 or Fantasy Grounds, I am not sure which yet. Both of them do a very good job with the D&D modules. The problem will be expense.

Any revenues from Patreon, Twitch Subs, bits, and/or donations will go towards securing the digital materials in either Roll20 or Fantasy Grounds, and paying for a Sub (or one time purchase of the ultimate Fantasy Grounds license).

We don’t currently have a time frame as to when our Deadlands story will run its course, but it will need to last at least long enough to save up enough to purchase what will be needed.

If you would like to help make this happen a little faster, please considering supporting us at
also, if you purchase gaming materials at DrivethruRPG, consider using our affiliate link – Every time we reach $30 in our account, we will give a $15 gift certificate away either live on Twitch during one of our games, or via a Twitter random drawing.

Thank you.