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If you would like to support the show, please visit www.patreon.com/relativedimension or
If you enjoy the show, please leave us a review at iTunes. 5 star reviews help new people discover the show.
If you would like to support the show, please visit www.patreon.com/relativedimension or
Welcome to the Relative Dimension.
If you enjoy this show, please consider supporting us at www.patreon.com/relativedimension
Or, you can find other links to support the show on the sidebar at www.relativesimension.com
Welcome to the Relative Dimension.
This episode is short. My computer glitched while we were playing, and OBS stopped recording/streaming our episode. So we only have about 25 minutes or so of recording. The next episode will include a recap of some of the things that should have been included in this episode.
On that note, if you would like to support the show, you can check out the following links
You can even support the show from Podbean’s crowdfunding link.
You can also support the show by making your PDF purchases through DriveThruRPG at the following link. It doesn’t cost you any more, but we get a percentage of your purchase price. Half of all DriveThru proceeds will go back to the community in the form of Gift Certificates, and the other half will go toward equipment upgrades and maintenance.
Thank you.
Recently, I wrote an article about getting into podcasting, and some general advice. One hurdle that delayed my entry into Podcasting was hosting fees. There are fees for domain, domain hosting, and podcast hosting. There’s also other costs, such as equipment, cloud storage for backups, mics, and others. So, in an effort to help you get your content out there sooner, rather than later, I have set up a Patreon pledge tier. At this tier, I will help you get started with creating content, and I will host the content on my iTunes feed, and on this page.
I am doing this because I was recording my episodes for over a year before I was able to work related costs into my budget, and I don’t want high costs to roadblock your content.
For more information, check the Pledge Tiers at Patreon
Want to get into podcasting? There are many different things you may find that you need over time, depending on what kind of podcast you want to produce, but here are some the problems that I faced getting into podcasting. Hopefully, they can help you get over the initial stumbling blocks. Continue reading Podcasting 101
Welcome to the Relative Dimension.
I bring you the 2017, End of the Year, Podcaster’s Wrap up!