After hearing from the Secretary, and being offered a little more money, the team has decided to go into the Universal Brotherhood after all, with some help of a few contacts.
Oh, and I make reference to an Ice Cream truck in the game.. just picture something like this, only black
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We take a break from our main group of runners as they discover there’s more to the reverend than just biblical sound bites to catch up with Alan Parsons once again. He’s digging for clues and building new relationships with Lone Star and Kagami, the other two independent Security corps with contracts in Seattle. But even his contacts can’t always dig deep enough, so he has to outsource to other people with Sunny’s help.
>>>>> [It’s easy. All you have to do is hack into the scanner and pull the data when Parson’s scans the RFID tag, Lex. No, not like that. Geez kid, do you want to call a spyder down on your ass? Because that’s how you get spyders.] <<<<<