Original Box Set AP Episode 1: Calling in a Favor

Hoi chummers! Thanks for checking out the first episode following Sunny Day and her team of runners. We’re catching up with them several months after their first successful run. In this episode, Sunny is doing a favor for her friend and long term client, Nick Lucciano. His wife is dead, and his mother-in-law seized his assets while he was in hiding. Now he’s back in Seattle, and he needs to make a good impression with ‘the Family’ to get their help. Sunny thinks she knows just the right people to help make that impression.


>>>>> [Here’s some info you might want to have before you listen. The runners are:

Sunny Day – Psychiatrist for those in the shadows (and sometimes the corps) who need help but prefer discretion. She’s the face and fixer in training.

XO – Elf decker and ex-corp wage slave who enjoys long range sharp shooting. Her cat, named Cat, likes to call her at inopportune times.

Odysseus – German ex-pat human gun adept who’s causing problems for the Tong while he’s hiding out in Seattle.

Gears – Elf taxi driver and client of Sunny’s turned rigger after an unfortunate (or fortunate depending on who you ask) turn of events.

Pollux – Dwarf mage who walked the hermetic path instead of following his Native American heritage. He believes a layer of dirt a day keeps the gremlins away.] <<<<<

–Cassi, Original Box Set (10:38:21/1-31-79)

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AP Episode 33

Announcements!  In this episode, we welcome a new player, Brandon, which you might recognize from the Gamer’s Tavern Game Table.

Also, in the next couple weeks, we shall be releasing another actual play on the feed, Original Box Set.  It shall be released under a different naming structure than the current episodes to keep them distinct.

If you are interested in releasing a Shadowrun actual play or informational episode, but have trouble getting the hosting and such, I might be able to help you by releasing your podcast under the Relative Dimension feed as well.  Contact me for more information

Next, on the site, relativedimension.com there is a page that has a list of fellow podcasters.  If you aren’t already on the list, and would like to be, please contact me,

And, Damian at Violent Life Podcast has restructred his Discord server to act as a Shadowrun Podcasters Community server.  If you are interested in joining and chatting with other show hosts, listeners, and members of the AP, feel free to join up, the link is


And now, on to the episode

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